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Helge Andrisson LUNDE

Male 1810 - 1859  (49 years)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Helge Andrisson LUNDE was born on 24 Jun 1810 in Lunde 17/2, Øvre; died on 8 Dec 1859 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; was buried on 20 Dec 1859 in Øye Kirkegård.


    Han kjøpte Uvdal 7/2 i 1850 av Trond I Uvdal som flyttet til Bøkko under Ellingbø. Han fikk skjøte 5.11. 1849 for 750 spd. Det inkluderte gården og noe innbo, fiskeredskaper og båt i Tyin og livaure for Guri Jonsdotter Eltun (1803 -) som var stemo ren til Trond. Helge begynte å kalle seg Opdal. Om barna se under kona, Berit K Øye Life was good to Helge Andersen Opdal. He was well on his way to becoming a man of means in the parish. Then the sickness struck him. The illness was never given a name. There were no doctors nearby, and Helge probably wouldn't have visited one if there were.

    It was only a little sore throat in the beginning. He did not even mention it to Berit, for there was no sense in bothering her with something so small. He was a strong, healthy man, and he would surely be feeling better soon. But the soreness got worse. It seemed to move from his throat to his chest. Now his lungs felt tight, and sometimes it was even hard to breathe. He kept on working. The chores would not go away just because a man had a little chest cold. Besides, the sickness will pass in a few days if a man doesn't give in to it. The days became weeks, and soon it was December. One night Berit was jolted awake by the sound of a deep, hacking cough. She had been sleeping soundly for some time, and it took a few moments for her mind to clear. What could it be? She sat up and pulled a shawl over her shoulders before gettin g out of the bed. The sound came again. Could it be Trond? It was too deep for one of the little ones. Suddenly she realized that the place beside her in the bed was empty. Berit jumped out of bed and hurried into the kitchen. It took a moment for her eyes "to adjust to the dim light of the room. Then her heart sank as she saw her husband. He was wrapped in an old blanket and huddled on the floor by the fireside, trying to find some warmth as his body shook with fever chills. "Nei, what are you doing out here in the middle of the night? And on the floor, too?" Berit scolded. "You are worse than one of the children! Come to bed with you now, and I'll fix something to help that cough." She bustled around him like a bird, leading the way back into the bedchamber and chiding him every step of the way for not waking her earlier. But the brusqueness of her tone only barely concealed her growing anxiety. Helge was too worn out to argue with her. He soon found himself tucked into bed with extra blankets thrown over him for good measure. Then Berit left the room for a few minutes, returning quickly with a mixture of honey and alum that she had prepa red to ease his coughing. Finally, she placed a wooden bowl filled with junipers beside the bed for spitting. "Now we'll see if we can't get some sleep before morning comes. " But Berit couldn't close her eyes. The sound of the regular coughing spells, together with the worry and confusion in her mind, refused to let any rest come for most of the night. It was almost sunrise before she finally dozed. She awoke as the first rays of light peered through the little window. Rising quietly from the bed in order to let Helge sleep, she almost stumbled over the juniper bowl. Carrying it over to the window, Berit held it up to the light. The saliva was stained with blood. One day passed, and then another. It was hard to keep track of them now. Helge spent most of his time in bed. His face was flushed with fever, and the spasms of coughing returned with painful regularity. Berit heated some coarse salt and, wrappin g it in a cloth bag, placed it on his chest. She prepared special potions for him to drink, too, but none of the old remedies seemed to help. If only it wasn't December! The old folks always said that it was a time of sickness and death when the jule spirits roamed. Berit kept reminding herself that it was only superstitious nonsense. But it was hard to drive the fears from her mind. There was no time to sit still. Now she had the farm chores as well as her household work to do. The two oldest children, Ingeborg and Trond, were a big help, but the days were hardly long enough to get everything done. Too much work and too little sleep. When the day finally ended, Berit could still only sleep fitfully at her husband's side. Now she went about her tasks in a daze, her mind exhausted and empty. She was even too tired to pray. One of Trond's chores was to feed the cows. The hay was running short, so one day his mother gave him permission to climb the mountain slopes high above the farm and gather moss for fodder. The snow cover was light and the sun was shining, so th e boy was able to travel farther from his home than usual. He was young, and it was hard for him to sense the seriousness of his father's sickness. He only knew that it was good to be away from home for a few hours, and he prolonged his time up on the seter as long as possible. There was only a slight breeze on that cool December day. So the pillar of smoke that rose to meet the clouds in the distance could be clearly seen for miles. It carne from the direction of the Opdal farm. No one met the boy as he hurried home with his load of moss. No one remembered to find him and break the bad news gently before he arrived. It was not necessary. He had already guessed the truth. He knew that his father was dead as soon as he saw the straw mattress burning in the farmyard. Trond was twelve years old. Now his childhood must cease. The tears welled up in his eyes and threatened to fall, but he brushed them aside. Mother would have her hands full, and she depended on him to help. He was the firstborn son, the oldest man in the family now that his father was gone. There was no time for tears. The next few days seemed like a feverish dream. When would morning finally come? When will the nightmare end? But the boy never indicated for a moment the turmoil of emotions that stormed in his heart. There was work to be done. A couple of Berit's brothers came and constructed the coffin from the dried fir boards that were stored in the barn. Trond stared silently at its soot-blackened sides with their white stripes. It seemed so small for such a big man as his father . If only he had been old enough to build it himself! The body of Helge Andersen Opdal was carefully placed inside the narrow box. Then other relatives joined Berit and the children as they sang out the coffin, carrying it into the stabbur (storehouse). The winter storm that hit the valley during the next few days was a hard one. Travel was next to impossible. Now there were paths to be shovelled as well as the usual chores to be done. The family was almost too weary to mourn. Two weeks passed before the roads were open enough for a funeral to be arranged. Day after day Trond and the others passed the stabbur as they went about their duties. Sometimes he even had to enter the log building to get supplies for the kitchen . At first he hesitated, but there was work to be done and he was too old to be afraid. After a while he could even pass the black box without remembering that his father's body was within. The days passed quickly for Berit. Two weeks were barely time enough to get ready for the funeral. Gro Guttormsdattir, her mother-in-law, had come to help with the kitchen preparations, and Ingeborg was old enough to mind the little ones. Otherwise they never would have been ready in time. The breads and pastries had to be baked, as well as the lefse and flatbrø. The butter had to be churned and the ale brewed. There was cheese to be made, too, and the women even butchered a sheep, cutting up the meat for the large meals that woul d soon be served. Berit fell exhausted into her bed at the end of each day. Now she was alone. Perhaps it was a blessing that she was too tired to think. The day of the funeral, December the 20th, finally dawned. They hurried through the morning chores, and the children were washed and dressed in their best clothes. "Ingeborg, Trond, the two of you keep a sharp eye on the younger ones so that no one gets dirty before our company comes. " Berit was the last to get ready. Gazing at her reflection in the mirror, she brushed her long hair back and pulled it into a tight bun, covering her head with a small black bonnet to match her black satin dress. I am thirty-three years old, she thought, and my life is over.

    The guests were arriving, and now some of the neighbours men carried the coffin from the stabbur to the house. The family clustered together by the door as the men passed through with their tragic burden. Ingeborg and the younger children clung te arfully to their mother, but Trond stood stiffly by himself like a soldier at attention. The farmhouse was spacious, but it was soon filled to overflowing with family and friends. The guests bore the familiar farm names of the parish: Opdal, Øye, BØ, Holten, Hermundstad, Grøv, Lunde, Strand, Oldre,' and Hemsing. Some were both relatives and neighbours, coming with their own families to share in the funeral observance. Now it was time to open the coffin, and a hymnal was placed over the heart of the corpse. One by one the guests passed by, each one making the sign of the cross as he viewed the body. The formalities were finished. Each guest now was served a fattigmaand with a choice of beverage. And this was only a beginning, for soon the table was groaning under the weight of a full dinner. "Vær saa god! Come and see if you can make a meal of it, "Berit announced as the food was dished out into wooden bowls and eaten by means of the knives and spoons with which each had come prepared. The dinner ended after a couple of hours. In the absence of a pastor, the klokker conducted a brief devotional service. The familiar words of comfort were read: "It is appointed unto man once to die ... So teach us to number our days ... Be ye also ready, for in an hour that ye think not ... I am the resurrection and the life ... Let not your hearts be troubled ... In my Father's house are many mansions ..."

    Berit was seated for this portion of the service, with the baby on her lap and the smaller children on the floor by her feet. Ingeborg and Trond stood close by her side. With bowed head and dry eyes She and the others heard what they already knew , that Helge Andersen Opdal had been a confirmed member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, a hard worker and an honest neighbour, a good husband and father. The klokker concluded his remarks and led the company in singing: "Life's day is ended, The battle fought and won;

    With joy unmingled I greet the setting sun. My soul now rest thee forever, tired of earth ..."

    Now the time had come to carry the coffin from the house to load it carefully on a sleigh. The rig moved slowly out of the farmyard onto the road, followed by the family and other mourners in a long procession of sleighs. They rode in the directio n of the village, careful not to allow any open space between the sleighs lest another funeral would follow soon. The bell began its mournful toll as they approached the village, even before the procession could be seen from the church. Passing the cluster of houses, the sleighs turned off the road to the right, following the narrow trail to the churchyard. They halted at the wooden gate, unloaded the coffin and carried it through the portals to be finally lowered into the dark hole that had been cut in the frozen earth. The klokker led the mourners in one last hymn: "A gift to the churchyard we tender, As dust to the dust we surrender; Returning the clay to its Maker, We lay it ;0 rest in God's acre."

    All stood reverently by the graveside in silent prayer for the next few minutes. But the wind was too cold to stand there for long. One after the other picked up a handful of cold earth and tossed it into the grave, making the sign of the cross on e final time. The bell tolled again, and people began to make their way back to the sleig9s. The funeral service was finished. "Hei! Get out of my way! Hurry up or we'll be left at the tail end!" Everyone knew it would happen. But the mood changed so suddenly that the children especially were unprepared. They could hardly believe their eyes and ears. All of a sudden men were running for their rigs and yelling for their passengers to hurr y and join them in a race back to the Opdal farm. It didn't take long for Trond and the others to be, carried away by the festive spirit of the crowd, too. Soon they found themselves shouting along with the others and urging their horses to run faster. The funeral already seemed like something fa r away.

    Berit and a few of the other women had gone ahead, and were among the first to return to the farmhouse. They barely had time to take off their wraps before having to serve the food to the arriving guests. And what food! The dinner began with bowls of steaming sweet soup. Then the main course of boiled beef and pork was served with plenty of potatoes and washed down with coffee or ale. Finally the feast was topped with generous helpings of rømmegrau t. Trond and the other children were so full of food that they could hardly move. Never had they enjoyed such a feast! The day was already coming to an end, though, so it was time to get ready for bed. "But everyone is still here," little Helge protested, "and we're not one bit sleepy." Yet he was yawning as he spoke, and some of the adults couldn't help smiling as they watched the children struggling to keep their eyes open. Berit carried little Anne into her bedchamber first, followed by three-year-old John. They were sleeping almost as soon as their heads rested on the pillows. Helge and Anders were next, and finally Ingeborg and Trond grudgingly followed, too. The y tried to stay awake and listen, determined not to miss anything. But their tired bodies refused to cooperate, and soon they all were dead to the world. It was midnight, but still no one made any move to go home. Another dinner was yet to be served, and the women had already begun to set the food on the table. The guests lingered over their food for several more hours. Funerals were some of the ma in social events of their lives and were to be prolonged as much as possible.. It was almost sunrise before they shared their parting drinks and headed homeward. The younger boys and the baby were still asleep when Berit awakened Trond, Helge, and Ingeborg to help with the morning chores. "Can it really be morning already?" Helge groaned as he and his brother hurried to dress in the cold sleeping room. "Quietly now," their mother cautioned them. "Don't wake the little ones yet. They will need all the sleep they can get before our company comes back again. "What? More company?" Helge exclaimed. "More company, more work," added Trond. Ingeborg nodded her head in agreement. The guests started to arrive in the late morning, in spite of the fact that the weather was frigid. Berit and the other wwomen were busy in the kitchen one more time, and another full meal was served. Today the menu included fish instead of meat, together with bowls of thick pea soup, and some of the ladies brought rice pudding for dessert. Even Ingeborg and Trond couldn't help feeling a sense of excitement about entertaining so many guests, despite the fact it meant extra work for them. But they both breathed a sigh of relief when the farm house finally emptied by the middle of th e afternoon. And today, when the evening chores were completed, no one needed to encourage them to bed.

    But the funeral observance was still not complete. More guests arrived on the third day... the relatives returned, but the farm owners were replaced by hired men and husmenn (landless peasants, cotters) with their families. There was a difference in the guests, and a difference in the mood of the day as well. This time there was even more of a party spirit. After another meal was served, the table and chairs were moved to the side of the spacious room to clear the wa y for dancing. Trond Eltun from Vang was there with his fiddle, and soon the couples crowded the floor as he began to play the familiar dance tunes. The other guests sat along the walls of the room, visiting with one another as they watched the dancers, tapping their feet in time to the music. A few of the men gathered around the table in a corner of the room and occupied themselves with a game of cards. Now the smoke from many pipes floated in the air like a mist, mingling its aroma with the smell of food. And the singing of the fiddle strings soared above the sound of many voices, all speaking at once. Trond and his brothers and sisters watched and listened. It was a sound and a scene that they would never forget. Finally this last funeral day ended, too. The company departed one after the other, murmuring their last words of sympathy to Berit as they left. A few of the men had to be helped to their sleighs due to the amount of ale they consumed. At last the family was alone again. There was not much to say to one another. The evening chores could not wait and the kitchen had to be cleared. Soon it was time for bed. There was still some food to be carried out to the stabbur, but Berit was bone tired and determined to leave it until morning. "Not that there will be very much to store away, "she said to Ingeborg with a weary smile. "Those guests of ours did a fine job of cleaning out the pantry and the storehouse, too, and that's a fact! But we will worry about that tomorrow." There was one last duty to be done. Remembering something that had been neglected during the hectic days of the funeral, she called the children together in the parlour for their customary evening prayers

    grb 1850-1859

    Helge married Berit Trondsdtr ØYE in 1844. Berit (daughter of Trond Johanson ØYE and Anne Jonsdtr NYSTUEN) was born on 10 Sep 1826 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died on 9 Aug 1902 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 2. Ingebjørg Helgedtr UVDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 24 Aug 1845 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 31 May 1926 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA.
    2. 3. Trond Helgesen UVDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 4 Jul 1847 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; and died.
    3. 4. Helge Helgesen UVDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1850 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; and died.
    4. 5. Andres Helgeson OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 2 Aug 1853 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 21 Jul 1927 in Minnesota, USA.
    5. 6. John Helgesen OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 10 May 1856 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 25 Jul 1910 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé.
    6. 7. Anne Helgesdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1858 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 18 Dec 1866 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé.

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  Ingebjørg Helgedtr UVDAL Descendancy chart to this point (1.Helge1) was born on 24 Aug 1845 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 31 May 1926 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Emigration: 1869, Kenyon Twp, Goodhue County, MN. USA


    Fra boka "Fever Saga" av Robert Lloyd Lee. Berit sat as if she were stunned. But her mind was sharp and clear as she reviewed the situation. After the first shock had subsided she realized that the America Fever signs had been right in front of her nose for months.

    It had been almost a year now since Nils Myre left for America. Berit had been aware of his interest in Ingeborg, and she was not displeased by it, either. He came from a fine family and seemed to be a sensible, hard-working fellow. Besides , it was time for Ingeborg to start thinking of a home of her own. And she could do a lot worse than Nils. How blind I have been! Berit scolded herself. Yet when she first heard that Nils was showing signs of the America Fever, it seemed to her that his visits to Ingeborg would cease. Surely a married man of his limited means could never consider such a venture. And that was that.

    But she heard that Nils was still seeing her. It made Berit uneasy, for she was sure that nothing would come of it now, and Ingeborg would only be hurt. And, besides, it would not do for other eligible young men to think that Nils had spoken fo r her. I must speak to Ingeborg about it one of these days, Berit had said to herself. The time came for Nils to go. It seemed to her that Ingeborg faced the farewells quite calmly. There were a couple of months of silence. And then letters began to arrive from America. Yet Berit was still blind to the obvious. The arrival of a letter from Nils became quite an event for the Opdal family. It was the custom for Ingeborg to come home on Sunday afternoons, and so it was then that she read portions of the letters aloud to the others. He wrote of his long voyage over the ocean, and then over a second trip by train across much of the American continent. Berit listened with half an ear while she went about her household chores, but the boys sat entranced barely moving a muscl e as Ingeborg read.

    The farthest they had ever traveled from home was the city of Fagernes, so the towering mountain peaks and narrow valleys of Valdres were the only world they knew. Now they listened wide-eyed to Nils' accounts of rolling farmland that was free fo r the asking, flat prairies with hardly a rock, stretching as far as the eye could see. Such a land was almost beyond their imagination. It sounded like heaven! The boys smiled at Ingeborg's attempts to pronounce some of the strange American words. "G-o-o-d-h-u-e C-o-u-n-t-y ... uff da!" she complained. "Why do they give such odd names to their districts?" But she repeated the words again after reading that this place was the new home for many Valdres folk, including not a few from the Van g Parish. However, there were some portions of the letters that Ingeborg didn't share with her family. Berit should have guessed. She should have been warned, too, by the glow of excitement in the eyes of Trond and Helge. It was as clear as da y that they had been making their plans for a long time. Now it was too late. Trond returned to the room, and Berit forced her mind to return from the past to the present, trying to concentrate on her son's words. "Nils wrote that he will send a ticket for Ingeborg. They have a real Norwegian pastor there, too, who will marry them. According to him, Helge and I won't have any problem finding plenty of work to do, either." Berit looked up quickly as though she would speak, but he continued with scarcely a pause. "Ja, I know that there is plenty of work for us to do here, too. But the farm isn't big enough to divide between four brothers. And even if I would clai m my rights as eldest son, I would still have to go into debt to pay off Ingeborg and the boys for their inheritance shares. You would have to receive your reserved rights, too. It would be impossible to even make a living under such a burde n of debt." It was a long speech for her silent son. But Berit had nothing to say. What was the use of words now when their minds were made up?

    Ingebjørg married Nils Nilson MYRE on 7 Mar 1871 in Vang Twshp, Dennison Goodhue Co USA. Nils (son of Nils Toreson MYRE and Ingrid Øysteinsdtr BØ) was born on 20 Apr 1847 in Myre 47/2; died on 4 Jun 1930 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 8. Nels Nilssen MYHRE  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 9 Dec 1871 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 9 Dec 1871 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA.
    2. 9. Ingre Nilsdtr MYHRE  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 6 Feb 1873 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 14 Mar 1958 in USA.
    3. 10. Nels Nilsson MYHRE  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 20 Nov 1874 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 15 Dec 1946 in USA.
    4. 11. Berit Nilsdtr MYHRE  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 19 Dec 1876 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 26 Feb 1896 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA.
    5. 12. John Nilsen MYHRE  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 22 Jan 1881 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 10 Jan 1968 in Minneota Manor Minnesota, USA.
    6. 13. Bessie MYHRE  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 20 Sep 1883 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 3 Jun 1963.
    7. 14. Emma MYHRE  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 26 May 1886 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 20 Jul 1954 in USA.

  2. 3.  Trond Helgesen UVDAL Descendancy chart to this point (1.Helge1) was born on 4 Jul 1847 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; and died.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Emigration: 1866, USA


    Fra boka "Fever Saga" av Robert Lloyd Lee 1847 "It's a boy!" The fourth of July was the king's birthday and it was on that day when the first son of He1ge and Berit Opda1 was born. "Perhaps we should christen him Oscar." The baby came into the world with the able assistance of the village midwife. Then, a couple of days later, the neighbour women and relatives came to call with their traditional gifts of food. "Such a sober little one! And look at all that black hair!" "Who do you think he resembles then?" "Oh, he definitely takes after the Øye side of the family, don't you think so?" "Ja, I think so, too." "Shhh, don't talk so loud or you'll wake the poor little thing up!" After the ladies had viewed the new baby and assured the young mother that he was probably the finest infant ever to be born to their own, of course ..., they moved into the kitchen to share a meal made up of the food that they themselve s had provided. The visit continued as they sampled the sweet soup, rømmegraut, krumkake, rice pudding, and the tender f1atbrØd. Now their duty was done, and they could return satisfied in more ways than one to their homes. "I baptize thee Trond Helgesen, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." The sacred words were spoken by Pastor Schnit1er as He1ge and Berit stood before him with their infant son in the little white wooden church down in the Øye village. The date was August the 13th. Both parents agreed that the baby wouldn't be another Anders, or even a Knut or a Nils. Berit wanted her first son to be named after her father, Trond, and Helge agreed, even though it was contrary to custom.

    Following the brief service the usual offering was given to the pastor and the klokker (parish clerk). Then everyone was invited to the farm home, for a baptism party. Berit had hoped that her husband would agree to forget about this gathering, since such parties so often ended in brawls as the men drank too much ale. But Helge would not hear of it . "What would people think of us if we didn't invite our friends and neighbours to come and celebrate the christening of our new child?" Little Trond was a striking baby, with dark hair and deep-set blue eyes. Since neither of his parents had the same coloring, there was some joking about the child's origin. "He's a black Valdres if I ever saw one! " one of the guests teased. "He must have been left on your doorstep by the hill elves." "Don't talk such nonsense!" declared Berit with a worried frown. "You surely don't believe all those foolish superstitions, do you? I suppose the next thing you will tell us is that you were captured by a troll!" But as she tucked her black-haired baby boy in his cradle later that evening, and when she was sure that Helge was not looking, she quickly made the sign of the cross over the little one. It wasn't that she believed in the spirits, she assured her self, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to be careful, just in case
    SOUR @S295@
    TEXT 85


  3. 4.  Helge Helgesen UVDAL Descendancy chart to this point (1.Helge1) was born in 1850 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; and died.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Emigration: 1866, USA

    Helge married Ingebjørg Ivarsdtr HØLTEN in 1875. Ingebjørg (daughter of Ivar Thomassen HAGIN and Ingebjørg Embriksdtr SKJERVA) was born in 1850 in Uvdal 2/1, Nordigardé, Hølten; and died. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  4. 5.  Andres Helgeson OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (1.Helge1) was born on 2 Aug 1853 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 21 Jul 1927 in Minnesota, USA.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Residence: Minnesota, USA


    Emigrated to the USA in 1871 and Guri emigrated in 1879. They married in 1879. After Guri died, Andres and his son Carl went back to Norway and in 1901 he married Anna Hermundstad before returning to his farm in Minnesota.

    Andres married Anne Andrisdtr HERMUNDSTAD in 1901. Anne (daughter of Andris Andrisson HERMUNDSTAD and Synneva Anfinnsdtr KVAME) was born in 1865 in Hermundstad 5/1 Tangelo; died in Minnesota, USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    Andres married Guri Kristensdotter MELBY in 1879. Guri (daughter of Kristen Mikkjelsen ROGNE and Guro Gudbrandsdtr BUSTEBAKKE) was born on 18 Mar 1855 in Rogne 43/5, Marké Øs; died on 18 Nov 1898 in Minneota MN, USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 15. Henry OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1881 in Minnesota, USA; died in 1881 in Minnesota, USA.
    2. 16. Carl Henry OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 31 Oct 1886 in Minnesota, USA; died on 3 Jun 1951 in USA.
    3. 17. Betsy OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1894 in Minnesota, USA; died in 1894 in Minnesota, USA.

  5. 6.  John Helgesen OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (1.Helge1) was born on 10 May 1856 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 25 Jul 1910 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Emigration: 1883, Westerheim, Lyon Co., MN.USA


    John og Ragnhild hadde også barna: Ambjørg J Opdal (1881- ) gift i USA med John Myre, de har fem barn. Ragnhild J Opdal (1892-1916) UG Se om ham i V.B. bd 5.1 s 264. Han regnes som grunnlegger av Tyinholmen hotell Erik Werenskiold tegnet ham i 1908.

    I heftet om Tyinholmen gjennom 100 år heter det: "John var bare 2-3 år da faren døde, moren måtte drive Uvdal med leid hjelp, og John vokste for det meste opp hos bestemoren på søre Øye. Alle søsknene hans reiste til USA så fort de kunne. I 1876 måtte han overta gården, 20 år gammel (han fikk skjøte først to år etter, da han giftet seg med Ragnhild). Det var ikke lett å drive Uvdal 2/2, for mye av jorda var tatt av skred i 1860, og John overtok også en stor gjeld på gården. Selv om moren var "uvanleg dugande" og sleit hardt, hadde det vært dyrt å leie karhjelp til gårdsdriften. John og Ragnhild sleit med den nedgjelda og "urudde" garden til edste sønnen Helge var 4 år gammel. Da satte de ham og datteren Ambjørg igjen på Uvdal hos bestemoren, Berit, og dro til USA for å tjene penger slik at "dei kunne berge garden or den verste skuldi". (De var i USA fra 1883 til 1887, antakelig hos søsknene til John).

    De vendte tilbake etter 4 år, betalte det meste av gjelda og tok til med "det byggjande arbeidet som bondefolk på Uvdal og det banebrytande arbeidet for turistferdsla i søre Jotunheimen". Det var visstnok John som kom på tanken at Tyineierene skulle bygge hotell i begge endene av Tyin (Framnes i sør 1889/80) og Tyinholmen i nord 1890. John var hotellvert på Framnes i 1889 og fra 1890 var han vært på Tyinholmen. Knut Hermundstad skriver at "ein kan likevel ikkje see at han var nokon eigentleg fjellmann. Skyttar var han ikkje, og lite ferdast han i fjellet. men han snakka godt for seg, Etter tidi var han kunnskapsrik og hadde mykje livsrøynsle. Han kunne så mykje engelsk at han greide seg godt mellom dei som kunne dette målet. Særs hyggjeleg var han, så alle reisande treivst godt på Tyinholme. mange vart stamgjestar der kvar sommar. Å sitja og tala med hotellverten var høgtidsstundar for dei fleste".

    John drev gården søre Uvdal bra. Innen Vang var han "ein mykje nytta mann".Han var med i kommunestyret en rekke år, var takstmann og domsmann og "hadde mykje tiltru". John var ein foregangsmann for tamreinholdet i Vang. Han fikk i 1884/85 dannet et aksjelag som skulle sette igang tamreindrift. Han var "særs gløgg og framtenkt". Fremsynet viser seg f.eks. i arbeidet med å få til motorbåtdrift på Tyin. I det hele var John Opdal "ein tiltaksmann, som fekk gjort mykje i sitt korte liv".


    John married Ragnhild Olsdtr BØ in 1878. Ragnhild (daughter of Ola Gudbrandsen BØ and Ambjørg Torsteinsdtr HAMRE) was born in 1855 in Bø 8/ I Øye; died in 1933 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 18. Helge Johnsen OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 6 Jan 1879 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 24 Dec 1963 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé.
    2. 19. Ambjørg "Emma" OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 3 Sep 1881 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 26 Aug 1968 in Minneota, Minnesota, USA.
    3. 20. Berit Johnsdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1887 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died in 1968 in Øye 14/3, Sørre.
    4. 21. Anne Johnsdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1889 in Uvdal 2/; died in 1963 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden.
    5. 22. Ola Johnsen OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1891 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died in 1972 in Skogstad 3/1.

  6. 7.  Anne Helgesdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (1.Helge1) was born in 1858 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 18 Dec 1866 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Baptism: 24 Oct 1858, Øye Kirke


    1866 It was always the weakest who went first, both young and old. Anne had always been a frail child. She was no great beauty, a solemn little creature with a pinched face and pale skin covered with freckles. Some superstitious folk even found fault with her reddish hair. But she was the darling of her sister and brothers, and they catered to her every desire. Especially Trond. They made a strange pair, the tall young man of nineteen and his eight-year-old little sister. She liked to follow him around the farm while he finished his chores, and he listened to her chatter and answered her questions with the patienc e of a man many years his senior. He always took the time, too, to carry her back to the house when her strength carne to an end. Sometimes he wondered how tired she really was. "Let me ride on your shoulders and we'll pretend that you're my horse!" But one day she was not pretending. Her pallor was more pronounced than usual when he carried her into the house. She didn't have much to say when her mother put her to bed that night, either. Anne Helgesdattir didn't wake up the next morning. And it was December, only two days short of seven years since her father's funeral. It was the month of death, when the jule spirits roam. Berit bowed beneath her grief as if she carried a heavy load on her back. There were few tears left to flow. Ingeborg and the younger boys wiped their eyes as they faced the strange emptiness of a life

Generation: 3

  1. 8.  Nels Nilssen MYHRE Descendancy chart to this point (2.Ingebjørg2, 1.Helge1) was born on 9 Dec 1871 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 9 Dec 1871 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA.

  2. 9.  Ingre Nilsdtr MYHRE Descendancy chart to this point (2.Ingebjørg2, 1.Helge1) was born on 6 Feb 1873 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 14 Mar 1958 in USA.

  3. 10.  Nels Nilsson MYHRE Descendancy chart to this point (2.Ingebjørg2, 1.Helge1) was born on 20 Nov 1874 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 15 Dec 1946 in USA.

  4. 11.  Berit Nilsdtr MYHRE Descendancy chart to this point (2.Ingebjørg2, 1.Helge1) was born on 19 Dec 1876 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 26 Feb 1896 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA.

  5. 12.  John Nilsen MYHRE Descendancy chart to this point (2.Ingebjørg2, 1.Helge1) was born on 22 Jan 1881 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 10 Jan 1968 in Minneota Manor Minnesota, USA.

  6. 13.  Bessie MYHRE Descendancy chart to this point (2.Ingebjørg2, 1.Helge1) was born on 20 Sep 1883 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 3 Jun 1963.

  7. 14.  Emma MYHRE Descendancy chart to this point (2.Ingebjørg2, 1.Helge1) was born on 26 May 1886 in Lyons County, Minnesota MN, USA; died on 20 Jul 1954 in USA.

  8. 15.  Henry OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1881 in Minnesota, USA; died in 1881 in Minnesota, USA.


    Was 3 weeks old when he died.

  9. 16.  Carl Henry OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 31 Oct 1886 in Minnesota, USA; died on 3 Jun 1951 in USA.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Emigration: USA

    Carl married Guri PETERSON on 28 Dec 1912. Guri was born on 3 Nov 1891; died on 7 Jan 1979 in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 23. Glady Gennevive OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 8 Dec 1913 in USA; died on 10 Feb 1966 in USA.
    2. 24. Gola Alice OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 11 Jan 1916 in USA; died in USA.
    3. 25. Amy Iona OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 22 Nov 1917 in USA; died in USA.
    4. 26. Ollie Pearl OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 7 Jan 1920 in USA; died in USA.
    5. 27. Viola Charolotte OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 25 Nov 1922 in USA; died in USA.
    6. 28. Velma Burnette OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 13 Jul 1925 in USA; died in USA.
    7. 29. Beath Ann OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 2 Dec 1927 in USA; died in USA.
    8. 30. Orpha Rosella OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 15 Feb 1930 in USA; died in USA.
    9. 31. Carl Andrew OPDAHL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 15 Mar 1932 in USA; died in USA.

  10. 17.  Betsy OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1894 in Minnesota, USA; died in 1894 in Minnesota, USA.


    Died in infancy.

  11. 18.  Helge Johnsen OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 6 Jan 1879 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 24 Dec 1963 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé.


    Han overtok gården og Tyinholmen hotell i 1912. Han var en stor villreingjeger Han utvidet hotellet og fikk Kongens gull for arbeidet med turistnæringen. Se V.B bd 5.1 si 268 f. Knut Hemundstad skriver: "Helge J Opdal var ein særs dugande bonde, som fekk brote opp mykje ny jord. Han kjøyrde bort utruleg mykje stein alle vintrar. I 1960 fekk han diplom med sylvmedalje av Oppland landbruksselskap for dette".

    I heftet om Tyinholmen gjennom 100 år, heter det: "Han var godt budd til å ta over både gården og Tyinholmen, "han var ikkje meir enn ein liten smågut da han bar tøy for tursitane frå Høgesete til Vassenden" 21 år gammel ble han roer og fjellfører på Tyinholmen. Dette drev han med i seks somre. Ofte rodde han to ganger om dagen fra Tyinholmen til Framnes og tilbake. Han rodde da ut kl. 8 om morgenen og kom ikke tilbake før ved 22 tiden om kvelden I 1911 overtok han hotellet, da var han 32 år gammel. Mest kjent er fjellmannen og hotellverten Helge J Opdal. Han hadde en medfødt evne til å ta seg av gestene sine på Tyinholmen. De kalte ham gjerne "Norges beste hotellvert". Alle kjente seg som hjemme på Tyinholmen. Helge ville alle vel. Turistene kom derfor tilbake år etter år. Det var alltid fullt med gjester der både sommer og påske. I 1961 fikk han "Kongens fortjenestemedalje i gull" for sitt banebrytende arbeidet for turistferdselen. Han var den første her i landet som fikk denne utmerkelsen for sitt virke på dette området. Av og til dro Helge ut på villreinjakt. Han skjøt omkring 250 villrein, den siste så sent som i 1929. I sine sprekeste år dro han Jotunheimen på kryss og tvers nesten hver sommer. Han var derfor "den gode rettleiar for turistane i all slags vær og føre". Helge fortsatte å være på Tyinholmen både sommer og påske etter at han i 1942 overlot driften til sønnen John. Han var da kontormann og fisker. "Tyin er eit framifrå fiskevatn. Det var sikkert tusenvis store aure han tok opp or Tyin i sitt lange liv" I likhet med sin far, hadde også Helge flere kommunale tilltsverv som han skjøttet med stor dyktighet og ansvarsfølelse. Det finnes mange fotografier av Helge, der barten er hans varemerke. Han var en entusiastisk piperøyker, noe som også går igjen på mange bilder. Helge var enkel i klesveien.Under åpningen av det nye hotellet i 1960, ble det således sagt at han var "uklanderlig kledd, menn heller ikkje noko meir"."

    Ottar Odland intervjuet Helge Oppdal engang i begynnelsen av 60 årene, Ottar spurte Helge om han savnet det gamle hotellet, som var blitt neddemmet. Da så Helge på ham med et lurt blikk og svarte: " De va' 32 vedomna der!"

    grb hotellvert sjekk

    Helge married Berit Andisdtr OPDAL in 1906. Berit (daughter of Andris Knutsen NYSTUEN and Berit Reiarsdtr JEVNE) was born on 17 Sep 1880 in Uvdal 2/; died in Apr 1963 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 32. John Helgesen OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 5 Aug 1906 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 24 Apr 1982 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé.
    2. 33. Anders Helgesen OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 34. Ragnhild Helgesdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1910 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died in 1993.
    4. 35. Berit Helgesdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 22 Nov 1912 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died in Skogstad 3/11, Skogheim, Øye.
    5. 36. Kari Helgesdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point
    6. 37. Ambjørg Helgesdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1919 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 30 Dec 1999.

  12. 19.  Ambjørg "Emma" OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 3 Sep 1881 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 26 Aug 1968 in Minneota, Minnesota, USA.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Emigration: 1900, USA

  13. 20.  Berit Johnsdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1887 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died in 1968 in Øye 14/3, Sørre.

    Family/Spouse: Lars Eirikson ØYE. Lars (son of Erik Trondsen ERAKER and Brita Larsdtr BORLO) was born in 1884 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died in 1967 in Øye 14/3, Sørre. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 38. Erik Larsen ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 29 May 1914 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died in 1976 in Øye 14/3, Sørre.
    2. 39. Brita Larsdtr ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1916 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died in 1943.
    3. 40. Ragnhild Larsdtr ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 41. Jon Larsen ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1923 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died on 7 Feb 2002 in Øye.
    5. 42. Synnøve Larsdtr ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point
    6. 43. Trond Larsen ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 1928 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died in 1953.
    7. 44. Lilly Larsdtr ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point

  14. 21.  Anne Johnsdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1889 in Uvdal 2/; died in 1963 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden.


    Hun var født med åpen gane og snakket derfor litt utydelig. Hun døde på Østre Toten

    Anne married Peder Syversen HERMUNDSTAD in 1920. Peder (son of Syver Persen HERMUNDSTAD and Gjartrud Nilsdtr LUNDE) was born on 3 May 1888 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; died in 1963 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 45. Gjertrud Persdtr HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 8 Sep 1920 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; died on 27 Aug 1967 in Hedalen 7/13 Midtre, Øs.
    2. 46. Syver Pedersen HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 18 May 1922 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; died on 12 Jul 1999 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; was buried on 20 Jul 1999 in Øye Kirkegård.
    3. 47. John Pedersen HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 17 Dec 1923 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; died on 25 Jan 1997 in Oslo.
    4. 48. Helge Pedersen HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 7 May 1928 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; died on 17 Dec 1929 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; was buried in Øye Kirkegård.

  15. 22.  Ola Johnsen OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1891 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died in 1972 in Skogstad 3/1.


    grb og politiker

    Ola married Marie Andersdtr SKOGSTAD in 1924. Marie (daughter of Anders Olsen SKOGSTAD and Brita Andersdtr LYSNE) was born in 1904 in Skogstad 3/1; died in 1997 in Skogstad 3/1. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 49. Brita Olsdtr SKOGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 50. Anders Olsen SKOGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 6 Oct 1926 in Skogstad 3/1; died on 15 Jan 1996 in Skogstad 3/1; was buried in Øye Kirkegård.
    3. 51. Ragna Olsdtr SKOGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point

Generation: 4

  1. 23.  Glady Gennevive OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (16.Carl3, 5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 8 Dec 1913 in USA; died on 10 Feb 1966 in USA.


    No s in spelling of Glady.

    Glady married Clinton PETERSON on 8 Sep 1951. Clinton was born about 1910; died in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 24.  Gola Alice OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (16.Carl3, 5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 11 Jan 1916 in USA; died in USA.

    Gola married Lawrence DYNNESON on 23 Aug 1947. Lawrence was born in USA; died in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  3. 25.  Amy Iona OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (16.Carl3, 5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 22 Nov 1917 in USA; died in USA.

    Amy married Ralph STRAND on 4 Sep 1951. Ralph was born about 1918; died in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  4. 26.  Ollie Pearl OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (16.Carl3, 5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 7 Jan 1920 in USA; died in USA.

    Ollie married Glen LANDVIK on 27 Apr 1946. Glen died in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  5. 27.  Viola Charolotte OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (16.Carl3, 5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 25 Nov 1922 in USA; died in USA.

    Viola married Loren RASMUSSON on 16 Oct 1943. Loren died in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  6. 28.  Velma Burnette OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (16.Carl3, 5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 13 Jul 1925 in USA; died in USA.

    Velma married Roger LARSON on 30 Dec 1950. Roger died in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  7. 29.  Beath Ann OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (16.Carl3, 5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 2 Dec 1927 in USA; died in USA.

    Beath married Norman HOEKSTRA on 11 Mar 1951. Norman died in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  8. 30.  Orpha Rosella OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (16.Carl3, 5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 15 Feb 1930 in USA; died in USA.

    Orpha married Victor STEINWAND on 16 Aug 1953. Victor died in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  9. 31.  Carl Andrew OPDAHL Descendancy chart to this point (16.Carl3, 5.Andres2, 1.Helge1) was born on 15 Mar 1932 in USA; died in USA.

    Carl married Carol Berg BROWN on 14 Feb 1974. Carol was born in USA; died in USA. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  10. 32.  John Helgesen OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 5 Aug 1906 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 24 Apr 1982 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé.


    John Opdal bygde nytt og større hotell ved Tyinholmen i 1960, etter at det gamle ble demmet ned. Han var med i formannskapet i 16 år, og var ordfører i 8 år. Han hadde landbruksskole og lang hotellpraksis. Han drev med pelsdyr (blå- og sølvrev) i 1935-1940. Han var med i tamreinslag fra 1931, skjønns- og takstmann i mange år

    I heftet om Tyinholmen gjennom 100 år, heter det: "John tok over både gårdsdriften og hotellet i 1942, 36 år gammel. Han var en interessert og flink gårdbruker, men det var likevel Tyinholmen oppe i fjellheimen som lå hans hjerte nærmest. Den store reguleringen av Tyin på slutten av 1950-tallet førte med seg at det gamle hotellet ikke kunne brukes. John satte da opp et nytt moderne hotell på en ny tomt. Det ble innviet 13.2 1960. Her gikk det bra i mange år, gjestene trivdes hos Kari og John, som de hadde gjort hos forfedrene hans på det gamle hotellet. Så hendte katastrofen. Tyinholmen brant ned i februar 1979. Dette var et tungt slag for John. Han overlot eiendommen til eldste sønnen Helge, som strevde med å få byggetillatelse til et nytt turistanlegg. John fikk aldri oppleve at det nye turistsenteret på Tyinholmen stod ferdig.

    Det var i Johns tid som ordfører at Vangsheimen ble bygget. "Han gledde seg då Heimen var ferdig og tykte det var det likaste han hadde fått til". Det fortelles om John at han var en grei og rettlinja kar med friskt humør, alt han kom bort i gjekk han inn for med heile seg."

    I 1977 tok John imot kronprinsparet som det året ferierte på Tyinholmen. De hadde vært der tidligere også, i all hemmelighet, før det var offentliggjort noen forlovelse mellom dem.

    grb ordfører

    John married Kari Andersdtr SKOGSTAD in 1933. Kari (daughter of Anders Olsen SKOGSTAD and Brita Andersdtr LYSNE) was born on 12 Feb 1906 in Skogstad 3/1; died on 28 Feb 2002 in Uvdal 2/2; was buried on 7 Mar 2002 in Øye Kirkegård. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 52. Helge Johnsen OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 53. Anders Johnsen OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point

  11. 33.  Anders Helgesen OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Ester MIDTUN. Ester was born in 1920. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 54. Halgeir Andersen OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 55. Berit Andersdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 56. Janne-Grethe A OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point

  12. 34.  Ragnhild Helgesdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1910 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died in 1993.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Residence: Eri Nedre 20/5 Lærdal


    Ragnhild hadde praksis fra hotelldriften hjemme på Tyin før hun giftet seg og da de bygde på huset til pensjonat i 1946, hade hun gode forutsetninger til å stå for driften

    Ragnhild married Jens Hallvardson ERI in 1939. Jens (son of Hallvard Jensen ERI and Turid Knutsdtr SKJÆR) was born in 1909 in Eri Nedre 20/5 Lærdal; died in 1985. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 57. Halvard Jensen ERI  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 58. Turid ERI  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 59. Berit ERI  Descendancy chart to this point

  13. 35.  Berit Helgesdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 22 Nov 1912 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died in Skogstad 3/11, Skogheim, Øye.

    Berit married Bøye Kristoffersen LEIROL in 1939. Bøye (son of Kristoffer Kristoffersen LEIROL and Berthe Larsdtr LEINE) was born on 2 Apr 1915 in Leirol 62/2 Sygarden; died on 15 Dec 1970 in Skogstad 3/11, Skogheim, Øye; was buried in Øye Kirkegård. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 60. Kristoffer Bøyesen LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 61. Helge Bøyesen LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 62. Berit Bøyesdtr LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 63. Olav Bøyesen LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point
    5. 64. Arne Bøyesen LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point
    6. 65. Berte Bøyesdtr LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point
    7. 66. Reidun Bøyesdtr LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point

  14. 36.  Kari Helgesdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Helge Helgesen HAUGEN. Helge (son of Helge Olsen HAUGEN and Marit Øysteinsdtr ØDEGÅRD) was born in 1915 in Haugen 13/2 Av Eltun. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 67. Marit HAUGEN  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 68. Berit HAUGEN  Descendancy chart to this point

  15. 37.  Ambjørg Helgesdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1919 in Uvdal 2/2 Sygardé; died on 30 Dec 1999.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Residence: Haugen 13/2 Av Eltun

    Family/Spouse: Øystein Helgesen HAUGEN. Øystein (son of Helge Olsen HAUGEN and Marit Øysteinsdtr ØDEGÅRD) was born in 1913 in Haugen 13/2 Av Eltun; died on 29 Nov 2000 in Gjøvik Sykehus. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 69. Anstein Øysteinsen HAUGEN  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 70. Harald Øysteinsen HAUGEN  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 71. Torunn Øysteinsdtr HAUGEN  Descendancy chart to this point

  16. 38.  Erik Larsen ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 29 May 1914 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died in 1976 in Øye 14/3, Sørre.


    grb og organist

    Erik married Guro Andersdtr HOLIEN in 1952. Guro (daughter of Andres Knutsen HOLIEN and Ragnhild Olsen LUNDE) was born on 10 Jun 1925 in Lo 19/7 Steinde. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 72. Brita Eiriksen ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 73. Lars Arne ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point

  17. 39.  Brita Larsdtr ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1916 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died in 1943.


    Hun frøs ihjel da hun rømte til Sverige under krigen. Se TFVHL VI side 47-48.

    sjekk TVH

  18. 40.  Ragnhild Larsdtr ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Oddmund EINEMO. Oddmund was born in 1918 in Lærdal. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 74. Astrid EINEMO  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 75. Jetmund EINEMO  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 76. Berit EINEMO  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 77. Liv Ingeborg EINEMO  Descendancy chart to this point
    5. 78. Brita EINEMO  Descendancy chart to this point
    6. 79. Oddmund EINEMO  Descendancy chart to this point

  19. 41.  Jon Larsen ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1923 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died on 7 Feb 2002 in Øye.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Residence: Skjolden Luster

    Family/Spouse: Lisa FJØSNE. Lisa was born in 1923. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 80. Lars Johnsen ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 81. Liv Bente ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point

  20. 42.  Synnøve Larsdtr ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Olav RUDI. Olav (son of Ola Kristoffersen Lalim RUDI and Marit Alvsdtr RØVANG) was born on 17 Oct 1918 in Høyme 6/2, Nedre Vs; died in 1993. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 82. Margit Olsdtr RUDI  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 83. Olga Olavsdtr RUDI  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 84. Dorthe RUDI  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 85. Ola Olavsen RUDI  Descendancy chart to this point

  21. 43.  Trond Larsen ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born in 1928 in Øye 14/3, Sørre; died in 1953.

    Other Events and Attributes:

    • Residence: Øye 14/3, Sørre



  22. 44.  Lilly Larsdtr ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Kolbjørn Knutsen SKRINDSRUD. Kolbjørn was born in 1926 in Etnedal I Valdres. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 86. Lars Kolbjørnsen SKRINSRUD  Descendancy chart to this point

  23. 45.  Gjertrud Persdtr HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 8 Sep 1920 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; died on 27 Aug 1967 in Hedalen 7/13 Midtre, Øs.


    Hun er gift med Olav Hedalen (1918- ), de har barna: Guri Hedalen (1943- ) og John S Hermundstad (1924- ). Hun er innskrevet i kirkeboken som Gajrtrud, men hun er egentlig døpt "huuu" av sokneprest Frwald.

    Da skulle Fürwald holde messe i Øye. Jon på Garde (Kvåle) var klokker i Øye og hadde ikke fortalt Fürwald at det var brnedåp før han kom til kirken. Jon var meget høytidelig når han var ute i embeds medfør, og snakke da rent riksmål. Da Fürwald ko m inn i sakrestiet, sa han: "Der skal døbes et guttebarn i dag", for Fürwald var det ok, da han var ferdig med messen, kalte han fra foreldre og faddere, det var moren som bar barne fram, og det var ikke et "guttebarn" men en pike! Moren hadde åpen gan e og snakket ikke så tydelig. Fürwald spurte som vanlig: "Hva skal barnet hete?", og hun svarte A--r--u". Fürwald ble litt forvirret og spurte omigjen: "Hva skal barnet hete?", igjen fikk hann svaret "A--r--u". han syntes ikke han kunne sørre en gan g til og sa "Jeg døper deg "HU". D Jon På Grde kom inn i sakrestiet etterpå, sa han " Det var et pigebarn som blev døbt i dag"! Hun er skrevet inn som Gjartrud i kirkeboken.

  24. 46.  Syver Pedersen HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 18 May 1922 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; died on 12 Jul 1999 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; was buried on 20 Jul 1999 in Øye Kirkegård.


    grb 1933-1966

    Syver married Alvhild Andersdtr SKJERVEN in 1946. Alvhild was born on 22 Sep 1926 in Hafslo, Sogn Og Fjordane; died on 11 May 1968 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 87. Helge Syversen HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 88. Anne Syversdtr HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 89. Per Audun HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 90. Solhild Syversdtr HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point

  25. 47.  John Pedersen HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 17 Dec 1923 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; died on 25 Jan 1997 in Oslo.


    kontorist i et departement

  26. 48.  Helge Pedersen HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 7 May 1928 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; died on 17 Dec 1929 in Hermundstad 5/3 Nordigarden; was buried in Øye Kirkegård.

  27. 49.  Brita Olsdtr SKOGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Ola Olsen SLETTEN. Ola (son of Thomas Torleivsen SLETTEN and Sigrid Olsdtr SØRBU) was born in 1916 in Øye 14/5 Sletten; died in Høgeset. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 91. Sigrid Olsdtr SLETTEN  Descendancy chart to this point was born in 194 ? in Høgeset; and died.
    2. 92. Marie Olsdtr SLETTEN  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 93. Tor Olsen SLETTEN  Descendancy chart to this point

  28. 50.  Anders Olsen SKOGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 6 Oct 1926 in Skogstad 3/1; died on 15 Jan 1996 in Skogstad 3/1; was buried in Øye Kirkegård.



    Anders married Sigrid Jakobsdtr NATVIK in 1954. Sigrid (daughter of Jakob Andreassen NATVIK and Ingeborg Pedersdtr FODNES) was born on 4 May 1930 in Årdal, Sogn Og Fjordane. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 94. Ole Andersen SKOGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 95. Jacob Andersen Natvik SKOGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 96. Inghild SKOGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 97. May Britt Andersdtr SKOGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    5. 98. Astrid Andersdtr SKOGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point

  29. 51.  Ragna Olsdtr SKOGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Knut Olsen HJELLEMARKEN. Knut (son of Ola Olsen HJELLEMARKEN and Anne Olsdtr STRAND) was born on 5 Dec 1925 in Hjellemarken 41/3 Vs; died on 24 May 2002 in Øye I Vang. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 99. Marianne HJELLEMARKEN  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 100. Anni Marit HJELLEMARKEN  Descendancy chart to this point

Generation: 5

  1. 52.  Helge Johnsen OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (32.John4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Helge married Anne Karine BAKKEN in 1966. Anne was born on 28 May 1937 in Etnedal I Valdres. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  2. 53.  Anders Johnsen OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (32.John4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Marit Vilkensdtr ASCHEHOUG. Marit was born on 24 Feb 1942 in Oslo. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 101. Øystein Anderson OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 102. Kristin Andersdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point

  3. 54.  Halgeir Andersen OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (33.Anders4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Kari. Kari was born in Sogn. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 103. Anita Halgeirsdtr OPDAL  Descendancy chart to this point

  4. 55.  Berit Andersdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (33.Anders4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  5. 56.  Janne-Grethe A OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (33.Anders4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  6. 57.  Halvard Jensen ERI Descendancy chart to this point (34.Ragnhild4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Halvard married Brynhild Gudmundsdtr KNUTSEN in 1969. Brynhild was born in 1942 in Hermansverk. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 104. Ragnhild Hallvardsdtr ERI  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 105. Solveig Hallvardsdtr ERI  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 106. Ingrid Hallvardsdtr ERI  Descendancy chart to this point
    4. 107. Jorunn Hallvardsdtr ERI  Descendancy chart to this point

  7. 58.  Turid ERI Descendancy chart to this point (34.Ragnhild4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  8. 59.  Berit ERI Descendancy chart to this point (34.Ragnhild4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Georg JENSEN. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

  9. 60.  Kristoffer Bøyesen LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Kristoffer married Bjørg Elida RYE in 1969. Bjørg was born on 21 May 1941. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 108. Bøye Kristoffersen LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point

  10. 61.  Helge Bøyesen LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  11. 62.  Berit Bøyesdtr LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Odd Olsen EINANG. Odd (son of Ola Pedersen EINANG and Karine Halvardsdtr RISE) was born on 11 Jan 1938 in Skogen 44/22, Vs. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 109. Geir Oddsen EINANG  Descendancy chart to this point

  12. 63.  Olav Bøyesen LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  13. 64.  Arne Bøyesen LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Anne Marie Olsdtr AASTAD. Anne (daughter of Ole Torgerson ÅSTAD and Johanna KOLSTAD) was born on 5 Dec 1947 in Vestre Slidre, Oppland Fylke, Norway. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 110. Siv Arnesdtr LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 111. Bjørn LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point

  14. 65.  Berte Bøyesdtr LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Øystein WINDINGSTAD. Øystein was born on 20 Feb 1952 in Leira, Nord Aurdal. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 112. Kristina Øysteinsdtr WINDINGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 113. Karianne Øysteinsdtr WINDINGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point

  15. 66.  Reidun Bøyesdtr LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  16. 67.  Marit HAUGEN Descendancy chart to this point (36.Kari4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  17. 68.  Berit HAUGEN Descendancy chart to this point (36.Kari4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  18. 69.  Anstein Øysteinsen HAUGEN Descendancy chart to this point (37.Ambjørg4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  19. 70.  Harald Øysteinsen HAUGEN Descendancy chart to this point (37.Ambjørg4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  20. 71.  Torunn Øysteinsdtr HAUGEN Descendancy chart to this point (37.Ambjørg4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  21. 72.  Brita Eiriksen ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (38.Erik4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Thomas Jørgen MØSAKER. Thomas (son of Jon Thomassen MØSAKER and Erna Nilsine Jensdtr SEIM) was born on 18 Mar 1951 in Steinde 19/1. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 114. Heidi MØSAKER  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 115. Jon Erik MØSAKER  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 116. Gro Ellen MØSAKER  Descendancy chart to this point

  22. 73.  Lars Arne ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (38.Erik4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Torild Olavsdtr EINANG. Torild (daughter of Olav Olsen EINANG and Kari Olsdtr GRIHAMAR) was born on 17 Jul 1964 in Granheim (Rolandsplassen) 42/4 Vs. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 117. Eirik Larsen ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 118. Karola Larsdtr ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 119. Linda Larsdtr ØYE  Descendancy chart to this point

  23. 74.  Astrid EINEMO Descendancy chart to this point (40.Ragnhild4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  24. 75.  Jetmund EINEMO Descendancy chart to this point (40.Ragnhild4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  25. 76.  Berit EINEMO Descendancy chart to this point (40.Ragnhild4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  26. 77.  Liv Ingeborg EINEMO Descendancy chart to this point (40.Ragnhild4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  27. 78.  Brita EINEMO Descendancy chart to this point (40.Ragnhild4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  28. 79.  Oddmund EINEMO Descendancy chart to this point (40.Ragnhild4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  29. 80.  Lars Johnsen ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (41.Jon4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  30. 81.  Liv Bente ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (41.Jon4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  31. 82.  Margit Olsdtr RUDI Descendancy chart to this point (42.Synnøve4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Ivar Olsen BAKKEN. Ivar (son of Ola Ivarsen BAKKEN and Randi Helgesdtr TVEIT) was born on 15 Apr 1952 in Tveitamoen 90/7. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 120. Hege BAKKEN  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 121. Tonje BAKKEN  Descendancy chart to this point

  32. 83.  Olga Olavsdtr RUDI Descendancy chart to this point (42.Synnøve4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Birger Thomassen HAUGEN. Birger (son of Thomas Olsen HAUGEN and Inga Knutsdtr EGGE) was born on 23 Oct 1954 in Ellestad 23/4 Midt, Vs. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 122. Bjørn Birgersen RUDI  Descendancy chart to this point was born on 17 Apr 1975 in Høyme 6/2, Nedre Vs; died on 26 Jul 1998 in Vang i Valdres, Oppland Fylke, Norway; was buried on 1 Aug 1998.

  33. 84.  Dorthe RUDI Descendancy chart to this point (42.Synnøve4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  34. 85.  Ola Olavsen RUDI Descendancy chart to this point (42.Synnøve4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  35. 86.  Lars Kolbjørnsen SKRINSRUD Descendancy chart to this point (44.Lilly4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Lars married Kirsti Arnlaug NORDLAND in 1980. Kirsti (daughter of Anders Andrisson NORDLAND and Berit Andersdtr NORDLAND) was born on 21 May 1956 in Nordland 57/1 Sygarde. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 123. Arne Larsen Nordland SKRINSRUD  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 124. Leif Larsen SKRINSRUD  Descendancy chart to this point

  36. 87.  Helge Syversen HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Helge married Kari Arnesdtr ANDERSEN on 11 May 1968. Kari was born on 11 Jul 1946 in Modum. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 125. Merete HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 126. Jonny Helgesen HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point

  37. 88.  Anne Syversdtr HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Kjell HAGAEIE. Kjell was born on 23 Sep 1948 in Gol I Hallingdal. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 127. Rune Kjellsen HAGAEIE  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 128. Anita Kjellsdtr HAGAEIE  Descendancy chart to this point
    3. 129. Kine Kjellsdtr HAGAEIE  Descendancy chart to this point

  38. 89.  Per Audun HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Grethe BEKKELIEN. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 130. Pål Bekkelien HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point

  39. 90.  Solhild Syversdtr HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Solhild married Audun Haraldsen BØLAND on 10 Oct 1992. Audun (son of Harald Olsen BØLAND and Signe FODNES) was born on 1 Aug 1963 in Synshagen. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 131. Kim BØLAND  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 132. Lill Kathrine BØLAND  Descendancy chart to this point

  40. 91.  Sigrid Olsdtr SLETTEN Descendancy chart to this point (49.Brita4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born in 194 ? in Høgeset; and died.

  41. 92.  Marie Olsdtr SLETTEN Descendancy chart to this point (49.Brita4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  42. 93.  Tor Olsen SLETTEN Descendancy chart to this point (49.Brita4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  43. 94.  Ole Andersen SKOGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (50.Anders4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Ole married Sissel Britt Ingerigstdtr ERI in 1977. Sissel was born in 1954 in Eri Nedre 20/8 Erisgården, Lærdal. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 133. Lasse André Olsen SKOGSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point

  44. 95.  Jacob Andersen Natvik SKOGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (50.Anders4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  45. 96.  Inghild SKOGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (50.Anders4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Inghild married Thomas Knutsen LYSNE in 1981. Thomas (son of Knut Thomassen LYSNE and Målfrid Alida Håkonsdtr HUNSKKÅR) was born in 1953 in Lysne Nedre 11/2, Lærdal. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 134. Knut Thoamssen LYSNE  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 135. Ståle Thomassen LYSNE  Descendancy chart to this point

  46. 97.  May Britt Andersdtr SKOGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (50.Anders4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  47. 98.  Astrid Andersdtr SKOGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (50.Anders4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  48. 99.  Marianne HJELLEMARKEN Descendancy chart to this point (51.Ragna4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  49. 100.  Anni Marit HJELLEMARKEN Descendancy chart to this point (51.Ragna4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Anni married Øyvind LØLAND in SAMBOERE. Øyvind was born on 15 Jul 1952 in Bergen, Hordaland. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 136. Simen Øyvindsen LØLAND  Descendancy chart to this point

    Family/Spouse: Unknown. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 137. Stian HJELLEMARKEN  Descendancy chart to this point

Generation: 6

  1. 101.  Øystein Anderson OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (53.Anders5, 32.John4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  2. 102.  Kristin Andersdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (53.Anders5, 32.John4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  3. 103.  Anita Halgeirsdtr OPDAL Descendancy chart to this point (54.Halgeir5, 33.Anders4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  4. 104.  Ragnhild Hallvardsdtr ERI Descendancy chart to this point (57.Halvard5, 34.Ragnhild4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  5. 105.  Solveig Hallvardsdtr ERI Descendancy chart to this point (57.Halvard5, 34.Ragnhild4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  6. 106.  Ingrid Hallvardsdtr ERI Descendancy chart to this point (57.Halvard5, 34.Ragnhild4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  7. 107.  Jorunn Hallvardsdtr ERI Descendancy chart to this point (57.Halvard5, 34.Ragnhild4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  8. 108.  Bøye Kristoffersen LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (60.Kristoffer5, 35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Bøye married Toril SOMMERSTAD on 26 Aug 2000 in Vang Kirke I Valdres. Toril was born on 20 Apr 1976 in Vestre Toten. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 138. Tonje Bøyesdtr LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 139. Jente Bøyesdtr LEIROL  Descendancy chart to this point

  9. 109.  Geir Oddsen EINANG Descendancy chart to this point (62.Berit5, 35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  10. 110.  Siv Arnesdtr LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (64.Arne5, 35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  11. 111.  Bjørn LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (64.Arne5, 35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  12. 112.  Kristina Øysteinsdtr WINDINGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (65.Berte5, 35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  13. 113.  Karianne Øysteinsdtr WINDINGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (65.Berte5, 35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  14. 114.  Heidi MØSAKER Descendancy chart to this point (72.Brita5, 38.Erik4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  15. 115.  Jon Erik MØSAKER Descendancy chart to this point (72.Brita5, 38.Erik4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  16. 116.  Gro Ellen MØSAKER Descendancy chart to this point (72.Brita5, 38.Erik4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  17. 117.  Eirik Larsen ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (73.Lars5, 38.Erik4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  18. 118.  Karola Larsdtr ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (73.Lars5, 38.Erik4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  19. 119.  Linda Larsdtr ØYE Descendancy chart to this point (73.Lars5, 38.Erik4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  20. 120.  Hege BAKKEN Descendancy chart to this point (82.Margit5, 42.Synnøve4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  21. 121.  Tonje BAKKEN Descendancy chart to this point (82.Margit5, 42.Synnøve4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  22. 122.  Bjørn Birgersen RUDI Descendancy chart to this point (83.Olga5, 42.Synnøve4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1) was born on 17 Apr 1975 in Høyme 6/2, Nedre Vs; died on 26 Jul 1998 in Vang i Valdres, Oppland Fylke, Norway; was buried on 1 Aug 1998.


    Han døde i en motorsykkel ulykke på E16 rett ved "Burmavegen".

  23. 123.  Arne Larsen Nordland SKRINSRUD Descendancy chart to this point (86.Lars5, 44.Lilly4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  24. 124.  Leif Larsen SKRINSRUD Descendancy chart to this point (86.Lars5, 44.Lilly4, 20.Berit3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  25. 125.  Merete HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (87.Helge5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Merete married Harald Thomas JEVNE on 17 Jan 1987. Harald (son of Endre Torgeirsen JEVNE and Bjørg Marie Halvardsdtr LOKREIM) was born on 12 Aug 1966 in Vang i Valdres, Oppland Fylke, Norway. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 140. Linda Hermundstad JEVNE  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 141. Jarle Hermundstad JEVNE  Descendancy chart to this point

  26. 126.  Jonny Helgesen HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (87.Helge5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

    Family/Spouse: Anne Britt HELLAND. Anne (daughter of Øystein HELLAND and Gunvor HAVRO) was born on 2 Aug 1976 in Helland I Erdal. [Group Sheet] [Family Chart]

    1. 142. Vanja Jonnysdtr HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 143. Torkel Jonnysen HERMUNDSTAD  Descendancy chart to this point

  27. 127.  Rune Kjellsen HAGAEIE Descendancy chart to this point (88.Anne5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  28. 128.  Anita Kjellsdtr HAGAEIE Descendancy chart to this point (88.Anne5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  29. 129.  Kine Kjellsdtr HAGAEIE Descendancy chart to this point (88.Anne5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  30. 130.  Pål Bekkelien HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (89.Per5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  31. 131.  Kim BØLAND Descendancy chart to this point (90.Solhild5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  32. 132.  Lill Kathrine BØLAND Descendancy chart to this point (90.Solhild5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  33. 133.  Lasse André Olsen SKOGSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (94.Ole5, 50.Anders4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  34. 134.  Knut Thoamssen LYSNE Descendancy chart to this point (96.Inghild5, 50.Anders4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  35. 135.  Ståle Thomassen LYSNE Descendancy chart to this point (96.Inghild5, 50.Anders4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  36. 136.  Simen Øyvindsen LØLAND Descendancy chart to this point (100.Anni5, 51.Ragna4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  37. 137.  Stian HJELLEMARKEN Descendancy chart to this point (100.Anni5, 51.Ragna4, 22.Ola3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

Generation: 7

  1. 138.  Tonje Bøyesdtr LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (108.Bøye6, 60.Kristoffer5, 35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  2. 139.  Jente Bøyesdtr LEIROL Descendancy chart to this point (108.Bøye6, 60.Kristoffer5, 35.Berit4, 18.Helge3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  3. 140.  Linda Hermundstad JEVNE Descendancy chart to this point (125.Merete6, 87.Helge5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  4. 141.  Jarle Hermundstad JEVNE Descendancy chart to this point (125.Merete6, 87.Helge5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  5. 142.  Vanja Jonnysdtr HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (126.Jonny6, 87.Helge5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

  6. 143.  Torkel Jonnysen HERMUNDSTAD Descendancy chart to this point (126.Jonny6, 87.Helge5, 46.Syver4, 21.Anne3, 6.John2, 1.Helge1)

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